This page contains important information relating to tenant and workshop user health and safety.
As an industry leader in the provision of Makerspaces, Space Tank Studio is committed to upholding best practice standards in the provision of communal design and manufacturing facilities. Space Tank Studio’s Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Program primary objective is the prevention of all tenancy and workshop related injuries, health issues and illnesses. Health and safety is a priority at Space Tank Studio, we expect that you join with us to make our makerspace a safe place for all our Members.
The following procedures apply to everybody using Space Tank Studio:
Any person who wishes to become a Business Tenant or Flexi Pass member must first undergo Space Tank's OH&S induction and sign the Workshop Pass Liability Waiver before commencing any kind of work activity or using any machinery and technology.
If you require an additional person to assist with your work activity, they must first complete the OH&S induction and sign the Workshop Pass Liability Waiver.
Event organisers must nominate a lead event manager and key event personnel who all must undergo the Space Tank facility induction.
As a condition to commencing your creative business journey on the Space Tank Studio site, you must first complete and be signed off on a workshop induction.
OH&S manual:
Please take the time to download the TENANT & WORKSHOP USER HEALTH AND SAFETY MANUAL (OH&S Manual) and properly familiarise yourself with it.