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Space Tank and Hong Kong Productivity Council to accelerate Victorian product startups

Holger Dielenberg

A new agreement between Space Tank Studio and Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) will provide a new pathway for Victorian product developers to bring their innovations to the world.

Product startups wishing to enter the global market place must first consider how and where to prototype and mass manufacture their concept. This is an expensive procedure that requires legal protection, financial controlling and business management.

For many emerging product developers, this is a daunting task and some don’t make it due to lack of finance or experience. The good news is, Space Tank can now provide a solution to give product startups business support and help them accelerate high impact products to markets around the world.

Last week on behalf of Space Tank, Holger Dielenberg signed an MOU with HKPC to create a co-footprint between Space Tank’s product development incubator and HKPC’s new $HK90mill Innovation Space. This will provide the foundation for Victorian product startups to access expert business development guidance, venture capital and trusted manufacturing technology solutions in Hong Kong and Mainland China to expand their reach into Asia.

Space Tank candidates can now work with international networks, research teams and rapid prototyping like titanium and stainless 3D printing as well as electronics and mass manufacturing solutions to enhance their export potential.

Some Space Tank product developers are already exporting low volume, high end products to discerning customers around the world and now we want to help more Australian Made products go global. Space Tank is now looking for highly motivated product developers to take advantage of this opportunity.

The opportunity will focus on startups developing high impact products in: med tech, industrial design, engineered parts, smart wearables and furniture.

By developing a collaborative pathway with HKPC and having access to the Hong Kong Science Park, Space Tank product startups can use business incubation facilities including a soft landing trial residency and business mentoring. For those wanting to go one step further, a Hong Kong Business registration can lead to incubator support, access to HK Government funding, marketing rebates as well as connections with the Shenzhen innovation district.

Hong Kong is widely recognised as the business gateway to China. With proximity to half the world’s population, English as the preferred business language, low tax regime and respect for common law and IP, it’s easy to see why Hong Kong is a magnet for Asia’s financial, business and trading community.

Candidates for this opportunity will also have access to Melbourne based preeminent patent attorney Gaven Doherty and IP lawyer Michael MacDonald from MDP Law. This will ensure product startups have the right legal and IP protection both domestically and overseas. We work with business managers and financial advisors to ensure startup founders get the right business support before embarking on their manufacturing journey.

This deal brings huge benefit and opportunities in the millions to Victorian product developers who wish to prototype and export. Candidates will need to submit formal applications as studios are limited and opportunities are available only to those who are ready to take their products to the world.

Space Tank will be making official call outs in the near future for candidates interested in this opportunity but if you’re ready now, feel free to drop us a line.

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